Friday, January 21, 2011

Google: Too monopolistic?

When asked to respond to how I feel about Google an if theres to much power behind one search engine a few things come to mind. For starters, why wouldn't I want one search engine? The benefits are vast of course I like google. I would say that out of all search engines Google has the best customer support with its features one of if not the largest index in the world and makes surfing the web a whole lot easier.

Im sure there are some that prefer to use yahoo accounts and hotmail and so on. But, call me old fashioned if I like everything in one place. Yes I have tried other services and they all rate about the same. There are those that get the job done effectively and those that don't. Why not have everything in the same place? With Google I can post a document online check my email review my powerpoints on the go and download them to a local computer when I arrive.

With technology changing so fast people want more access and less fuss. Google seems to be the only company that is caring about this issue, other than apple that is. Google has gone ahead and created an operating system for smartphones that will gives access to all of the features that come with a Google account. What more could someone really ask for? Oh yeah, did I mention they do it for free?

My answer to the question, "Is Google too big, powerful or monopolistic?" My answer is yes but why not be? The fact is that no other company seems to care what the consumer wants and is only looking to compete with what is already out there. News Flash email is old news and while its useful have a cool user interface isn't going to get me running over to a hotmail or yahoo account, honestly I still have one of each but don't even bother to use them. So until one of its competitors comes up with a game changer I say more power to Google.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bruce Schneier

Known for his blog, "Schneier on Security", Bruce Schneier is an influential blogger who first made his start in 1998 in the field of internet security. Being a blogger I'm sure most people would comment as to what makes Schneier's blog different from any of the others. For starters the daily view count of his blog is over 200,000 per day with over 95,000 of those being unique visitors. Having access to this many minds on a daily basis is what takes Bruce's blog from a hobby to a profession.

While he doesn't make any money directly from his blog it has contributed to opportunities for him such as public speaking and further support for his books. Bruce for the most part despite the overwhelming popularity of his blog is still a very down to earth blogger. He writes for the most part about anything he wants and is still very open to reader comments.

When asked how he reacts to reader emails and comments, Bruce touched on the fact that he makes an attempt to read and respond to all especially ones pointing out typos. However, most emails he receives are readers who want him to touch on a subject which he often times he does not have time to do.

Schneier's blog has been ranked at high as 100 on Technorati but usually will sit in the top 120. Bruce Schneier appears to be a very reachable and un-molded blogger who uses his freedom as speech to express his viewpoints on internet security.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


This is my first blog post. Hopefully there will be more to follow..